Argentina has one of the highest car accident rates in the world (alertdriving.com), claiming over 20 lives a day. Most of these accidents involve cars passing trucks on two-lane roads, as reported in businessinsider.com.au. To help combat this problem Samsung have released a prototype for a Safety Truck, which could potentially make driving a lot safer. Basically, a trailer-truck has a wireless camera attached to the front of the truck, which is connected to a video wall made out of four exterior monitors located on the back of the truck.
It is hoped that cars behind the truck will get a better view of what’s in front of them, allowing for better decision making, especially when the driver decides to overtake the truck. The technology on these Safety Trucks is also intended to prevent sudden brakes or crashes into animals on the road.
Samsung is positive about the trials for the Safety Truck and has confirmed that the technology works. Samsung is yet to comply with existing national protocols, but is working together with safe driving NGO’s and the government.
Check out the video below on how the truck will look and work.