In Buenos Aires, a city where bicycle theft is rampant, the provision of secure parking facilities is almost as important as the supporting infrastructure.
The city is currently embracing cycling, under a scheme called “Mejor en Bici”, with a number of laws and construction projects designed to provide several bike parking facilities. Of these laws, perhaps the most significant is the obligation for all private parking lots to offer 8 bike spots for every 50 vehicle spaces, at a rate that can never be higher than 10% of the car parking fee.
According to TreeHugger, the private parking facilities offer a much safer environment than street racks, and will force the structures that rarely offer parking for bikes, to adapt.
On top of this, the government is also building 350 new bike racks across the city, with another 550 to be put to tender. They are also building parking facilities next to train stations, offering whole day parking for just one peso (about $0.25)!