The Melbourne Age recently reported that “motorcycles and scooters will be given preferential treatment over cars and trucks in Melbourne’s inner city”. As part of Melbourne City Council’s (MCC) 2015-2018 Motorcycle Plan, a key idea is to expand motorcycle parking across the municipality. The document highlights that with more motorcyclists on the roads, this will result in faster travel time, less congestion, while decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. Not only is this a win-win for our environment and travellers, but it also means fewer car spaces are needed in the CBD – as up to ‘’six motorcycles or ten scooters can be parked in the space required for a single car”, reports the MCC. Sure, you may think, but a car can carry up to four people; however, research shows the average person in Sydney and Melbourne travels alone by car.
The MCC referred to the recent European Study that highlighted if “10 percent of private cars were replaced by motorcycles, commuting times could decrease by 40 percent”.
Safety will always remain the number one deterrent for commuters taking up a motorcycle, but if this option can reduce congestion it just may be the way of the future. The Age noted that “riding has become significantly safer in recent years, with fatalities and serious injuries decreasing by almost 20 percent in the five years to 2013”.