The First National Airports Congress, “Airport Show Argentina”, has drawn to a close, with Parking & Traffic Consultants’ Managing Partner Cristina Lynn one of the speakers at the inaugural show.
Over 800 registrants were presided over by the Argentine Transport Secretary and the Tourism Minister, and included representatives from all major Argentine airlines, government bodies and civil administration companies, as well as international support from specialist businesses and professionals.
Cristina’s presentation (in Spanish) posed the question: “Is airport parking a business or a service?” and received a great deal of interest. Watch this space for photos and an update from the conference. You can read the post-event press release here, and if you are interested, view Cristina’s presentation here.
Whilst in South America, Cristina also presented a paper at the recent ‘Expo Parking’ event in Sao Paulo, Brazil, which was the first time a parking segment formed part of Transpoquip, already in its third year. Other international guests included Dennis Cunning from the US, Sandra Smith from Canada and various representatives from the International Parking Institute. This event, which was made possible by the intervention of Abrapark (the Brazilian Parking Association), had the objective of raising awareness for parking and transportation issues being faced in Brazil due to the upcoming Olympic Games and Soccer World Cup over the next five years.
Cristina’s topic was “A Parking Management Guide for Local Governments” and can be viewed online here.