We came across an interesting article in the US publication Parking, entitled Best Practices for Selecting a Parking Consultant, published by the NPA. Clearly, we have a vested interest in disseminating this information, but it is written for the benefit of consumers of consulting services, and that’s why we wanted to share it.
For some organisations, hiring consultants is accepted practice – but for others, it can be a big step. This article gives some great advice to both seasoned consumers and novices alike for ensuring you get the most out of your consulting engagement.
The author, management consultant and former parking executive, Charles Munn III, provides a common-sense approach set out in seven steps. (An infographic would be great for this!) The speed-read version: Define your needs, choose wisely, check references, work with your consultant’s strengths, consider other hiring arrangements, and nurture the relationship!
For those of you who are interested in the full article, you can download a copy here, (free for NPA members, US$20 for non-members).